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Creating mentally healthy workplaces

The UK faces a significant mental health challenge at work. While there are more people at work with mental health conditions than ever before, 300,000 people with a long term mental health problem lose their jobs each year – and this number is only rising.

Our Workplace Mental Health Leadership Diploma is the first of its kind in England. The programme bridges the gap in leadership knowledge on workplace mental health which has become essential to creating mentally healthy cultures.

How does it work?

The Workplace Mental Health Leadership Diploma uses a practical framework alongside evidence-based modules and industry best practices to showcase organisational leadership and commitment to a mentally healthy workplace culture.

The programme looks at:

  • Health and Safety Executive Management Standards
  • Thriving at Work Framework

How we help you make it happen

At The Opportunity Group, we’re a future-minded apprenticeship training provider, delivering and designing programmes that develop future-critical business skills in key areas of digital, marketing, and data analysis.

Our workshops are delivered virtually through our dynamic learning platform, which makes learning seamless, interactive, with easy access to our high-quality learning resources, support and evidence processing.

Using apprenticeship standards as our baseline, we work collaboratively with you and integrate your own content, values and culture, ensuring the programmes being delivered are relevant, measurable and feel like your own internal programme.  

Get started today

Enquiring is as simple as filling out the form below, but if you’d like to give us a call instead, our number is at the bottom.

or call us on

+44 (0)191 607 0225

Mental Health Leadership Programme Roadmap


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Month 1

Launch & Personal Insights

Month 2


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Month 3


Month 4

Mental Health
Project 1

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Month 5

Mental Health
Project 2

Month 6


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Month 7


Month 8


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Month 9


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Month 10


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Month 11


Month 12

Data & Finance

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Month 13

EPA Preparation